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Joshua Tree 2019 Timelapse

March 06, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

you will see me talk about pre-visualization over and over if you pay attention enough. as a photographer it's a key skill and something that is at the heart of creativity. the problem comes when shooting anything outside of the studio as reality tends to get in the way. photography is a lot like life in that way. if you want to be good at it you need to figure out how to adapt and overcome it. in life and in photography you can only do your best.... 

After getting all my dreams of epic Joshua Tree timelapses crushed last year i returned to the scene determined to make something as magical as I was seeing in my head. As is the case with 99% of my travel it was work related meaning i don't pick the when or the where but I try to fit in some creativity to go with the work. That means that we had a half-moon which pretty much was going to spoil my dreams of an epic Milky Way shot but I was willing to try to work around that. What I couldn't work around in my quest was the clouds coming in for the second year in a row. 

I was out with my friend Mark Suban and we scouted till about 8 pm finding a spot that we both liked which had added bonus of me not having shot it the last time i was here. It was clear and cold and I was excited. We ate and took a nap till 1 am to head back out. it was low 30's but no wind and we found our spot. I set up my timelapse already knowing that i was going to have some challenges as there was a bit of cloud cover but it was spotty. Since I was already pretty sure the moon glow was going to take away my hopes of a big Milky Way shot I was cool with some sparse clouds rolling through with the stars moving in the opposite direction giving me an extra sense of movement. I set the interval on my Nikon Z7 to one shot every 22 seconds with 20 second exposures and set it for 4 hours thinking i'd catch the moon move through the frame and then the beginnings of some warm light creeping into my scene. 

Fast forward a couple of hours of trying to sleep in the car while the shooting was going on - the moon was lost behind solid clouds. The stars were nowhere to be seen. We decided to call it and get some rest as we had a lot more driving....

So here it is.... A couple of stills from the shoot and the timelapse. 




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