Bold - Slow Motion in Brooklyn with the Nikon Z7

November 01, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I don't shoot much video. Not because I don't like it but because up until now i didn't own a camera that effectively could autofocus while using it. The video quality out of my D850 was phenomenal but I'm an awful manual focuser and i move too much while I shoot and love fast primes and shallow depth of field too much to effectively do good video with my Nikon's. 

That has changed. Holy moly has that changed. The new Z 7 (can't wait to try the Z 6) focus like a dream with video. Tracking subjects and moving between subjects smoothly. The af works great with my natives Z mount lenses and with my F mount lenses used with the FTZ.... 

I mixed a bunch of footage and sped some up from the native 120 fps in order to fit it in with the song... 

Looking forward to more video in the future....




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