Bold, Breakdown, Outburst - Brooklyn 2018 Shot with Nikon Z7

October 30, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

Do i write this blog post for my middle aged hardcore friends or for my photo friends that want to know how the Nikon Z7 handled a concert with bad lights?

Well both. 

I'll start by saying this. Bold, Breakdown, and Outburst were all tight. All played with energy. And all sounded great. I always find the vocals at Brooklyn Bazaar to be a little low but i'm not a sound guy and I was a singer in a band so i probably will always think that. The bands came straight out of the late 80's when hardcore ruined me for most of the hardcore that would follow. I love sing alongs and stage dives. This was a great night for that. I wish the old folks at the back would have come to see the bands instead of stand at the bar but that is not a band issue... 

The Z7 rocked. The images are sharp. The flash system worked great. The FTZ adaptor worked like it should which is to mean i didn't realize it was on once i started shooting. The shots were mostly taken at ISO 1000 so that my flashes could cycle fast enough to keep up with the frame rate of the camera. The video is so good that I want to shoot more video and that is not my norm. I love it. (i'm predisposed to love things that start with Z...) 





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