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Latex Dresses In the Hot Sun - Kaori's Latex Dream Dress On Narcissa

June 23, 2014  •  1 Comment

Kaori's Latex Dream Dress On NarcissaKaori's Latex on Narcissa Kaori's Latex Dream Dress On NarcissaKaori's Latex on Narcissa Couple more shots of Narcissa in a dress from Kaori's Latex Dreams

The salute shot was taken with a Nikon D800 and 24 1.4 with two SB-910's gaffed together and shot bare. 

The other shot was with same light set up but with the Nikkor 58 1.4 

I've been experimenting with different ways to connect the two flashes and far and away for me the most efficient has been the gaff. I had a set of straps that were useful but didn't really grip as well as I'd like. If I find the strap i think in combination with the gaff i'll finally have the answer. Picking up the full stop of light from having two flashes is the most economical way to add more punch. Adding a third flash is not another stop of power so you get diminishing returns. 

Using the pop up flash on the D800 to control the flashes in combination with the Aufo FP functions of the Nikon camera's and flashes gives a full range of flexibility to your gear allowing you to shoot any f/stop or shutter speed that you desire to get the image that you imagine rather than what your gear limits you to. 

For those unfamiliar with Nikon CLS and Auto FP (high speed syncing of the flash) most lighting systems and cameras limit  you to 1/250th of a second (or slower with some other brands of Camera) when using flash. By taking advantage of the Auto FP your range of choices is opened up to include all shutter speeds up to 1/8000th of a second. What does that mean? 

The shot on top is 1/3200th of a second at 2.2 aperture at 100 ISO. I had put the sun behind the model to get the highlights in her hair and create the separation from the blue sky. If i had chose to shoot the shot without flash at all the model would be a silhouette against the blue sky (the 1/3200th at 2.2 at 100 is chosen due to it being the "correct" exposure for the sky). If I would have been using a bigger light source like most monoblocs or strobes I would have been limited to 1/250th of a second. Why is that a problem? That is a 3.5 stop difference in aperture meaning that my 2.2 (i'm rounding here) would be somewhere around 6.3 or 7.1 to get a similar exposure. Not nearly the same shot as the background takes over a lot of the focus from the model. 



Deborah Smooth(non-registered)
Yes it's a fabric with all sorts of unwholesome associations. That's the point!
When I wear it I often get about 100x more female attention than normal and sometimes, that runs well into single figures.
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