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Suicidal Tendencies Timelapse House of Vans 2018

July 18, 2018  •  Leave a Comment

I have seen Suicidal Tendencies.

I have seen them a few times over the years.

I have seen them play a bunch of sets and they've always been tight.

I have never heard them play the landmark self-titled record in it's entirety.

That was cool. 

Thanks to House of Vans for hosting an epic night with ST, Killing Time, and Chud.

Mike Muir and the band attacked House of Vans in Brooklyn with a super tight set of punkrock hardcore metal classics from the 1983 debut record. From the opening wails of Suicides An Alternative through the entire first EP until the band closed with Pledge Your Allegiance the band was in constant motion. Long time guitarist Dean Pleasants, bass player Ra Diaz, former Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo kept both themselves and the crowd moving. Special treat at this show was former Dillinger Escape Plan founder Ben Weinman playing guitar as well as Mitts formerly of Madball. It's amazing how tight the band is with rotating members over the years but they are and they do it all while moving like a band that is just starting out. Great energy. 


Check out this timelapse i shot during the show with my Nikon D5. I shot about 2800 photos of the band and then added War Inside My Head from the bands second full length record. All those images end up compressed down to about 3 and a half minutes. 

Suicidal Tendencies - War Inside My Head timelapseover 2800 images captured with Nikon D5 to create this 3 minute timelapse



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